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Grow your voice is a non-profit program that was started to help destigmatize public speaking and to improve the standard of speech that we expect from children.


All of the lessons, extra resources and videos are available without cost for anyone to use. We encourage the use of this program in the classroom, at home, with friends or even in the office if your in need of a quick reminder of the basics. It is worth mentioning that these courses are tailored to a younger age group (years 2-9).


This program is a foundation for children to build their skill on and we encourage improving upon their knowledge and skill by allowing them opportunities to either learn new tools or to use those that they are already familiar with. This could come in the form of watching ted talks, practicing with fun activities in class, or delivering a speech to a crowd.


If you find anything within the program that you have an issue with, or that could be improved don't hesitate to let us know. This is an ever growing resource: we fully understand that it takes a village to teach a child to grow their voice and want to help that process however we can. We are also fully aware that we make mistakes, so if there are any corrections to made don't hesitate to contact us.


If you would like to help the program to improve, or add content yourself please visit the "how to help" page for more information.


No tutoring is offered via the website and any lesson or advice we put in our course is meant to help every student that uses the resource. We do not provide individual video messages or support, but are always open to feedback as to how we can help different groups of people to learn these skills.


This website design and all the written content it contains was created by Grow Your Voice excluding the ted talk videos used as teaching examples. If you have any issue with your ted talk being used please contact us immediately and it will be removed. Though it is worth mentioning that no profit is made from this website.


Please see the information below if you have any further questions.


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